
Call for Poster

As part of our SDGs Symposium 2025, we invite individual students or student groups to submit posters. Although posters with relevance to the theme of the Symposium as outlined in the event website will be given preference, posters with links to other sustainability topics and SDGs will be considered.

The posters can (a) present innovative research findings, and/or (b) propose solutions with transformative potential

The poster session is open to undergraduates (BSc or equivalent) and postgraduates (MSc, PhD or equivalent), from Japanese universities.

Selection criteria:

  • Strong link to sustainability and/or the SDGs.
  • Innovativeness.
  • Academic excellence (for research-based posters) or transformative potential (for solutions-oriented posters).
  • Overall presentation quality.
  • Relevance to the topic of SDGs Symposium 2025 (desired but not mandatory).

Important dates are

  1. Deadline for submission: 22 January 2025 
  2. Communication of results: 28 January 2025
  3. Confirm participation: 31 January 2025

Instructions to submit and present posters

The venue of the poster session is , at the University of Tokyo. 

The poster session will take place between 13:10-15:10. During that time, other than the general audience, the selected posters will have the opportunity to interact with the speakers of the SDGs Symposium to receive feedback and comments. 

The language of the poster should be English, and the maximum dimensions should be: 90 cm x 120cm (width x height) maximum (A0 size).

Please note that the submitted posters will only enter the selection process if they are:

  • in English
  • in final poster form (not on Abstract form)
  • are accompanied by the CV of the poster presenter 

Electronic files with the final version of the poster and a brief CV of the poster presenter must be submitted at:

Submit your Poster Here

Please note that all costs for the participation to the SDGs Symposium such as transport or printing must be covered by the students/groups. There is no participation/registration fee.